
After Julia's assault and before she called Marina, she puts her hand between her legs, wipes something off, and says "something else has happened" (or something along those lines). Not remembering the books at all, I at first thought that she had become impregnated. But reading comments farther down, apparently she

At the risk of simplifying things: Penny is as big of a d/bag as Quentin is a whiny wuss. They balance each other out, which seems to be the point. Similarly, Alice is as an uptight goody 2 shoes as Kaidy was laid back but bad. Quentin takes Brakesbills for granted as much as Julia is tormented by not being allowed

If you're a female and a writer, that would certainly be a valid and understandable choice for you to take. I think in this case Mr. Grossman elected to go "fairly typical straight guy", which IMO is no less valid. Regardless, I don't remember an abnormal emphasis on boobs. To be honest, I didn't understand how

Absolutely fair. Just made the comment a bit more humorous. I applaud you saving your wrath for more deserving mammals….

As a guy, i thought that was fairly realistic. Guys like boobs.

Funny that screen name "Deathmaster" has an issue with the bunny scene. That said, it did seem that before the gory cutaway, he was holding that rabbit's head too tightly…