Spencer The Dog

Unfortunately, many people I know that aren't "cinephiles" are averse to subtitles :(

I happen to think Let Me In is a fine remake of Let The Right One In. It may not be "better" but it is definitely more palatable for American audiences.

Here's the original ending that is faithful to the stage play but test audiences didn't go for.

I had to read this article twice to make sure I didn't overlook True Grit. And I didn't. The Coen Bros take is infinitely better than the John Wayne "classic".

You forgot The King of Kong. Also, I'd throw Almost Famous and Sideways into the mix.

It's not a movie, but the TV show "Action" with Jay Mohr was way ahead of its time.

I watched Lost until the bitter end and, yes, there were a few fine episodes in the last 3 seasons, but the Season 3 finale functions perfectly as the series finale. Think of it as a finale rather than a cliffhanger - the imagery of Ben battered & bloodied, Roussou finding her daughter, the exhilaration when the news

What a Seaward. Say what you will about the d-bag in blue but he was right for calling her out. Those certainly weren't your typical junket questions, were they, Cara?!?

Higher prices or commercials? Be prepared for both! Entertainment has to pay for itself somehow!

Let's get Garrett at the study table for season 7. And this episode was an "A". They've all been A's, you crazy reviewer!

Thanks for the link to Ricky & Morty. I've been dying to watch more of the little I've seen of it. Also, binge Enlightened. It's 2 short seasons with a great arc in season 2. It's beautiful.

I was lucky enough to binge the first 3 seasons of Lost which ended seemingly perfect in the season 3 finale. That ending blew me away and I didn't need answers for all the balls left in the air. But when season 4 arrived and I was forced to watch the show in real time as it slowly derailed, I realized I binged it

Considering Gillian Jacobs is signed to "Love", a Judd Apatow produced sitcom set to premiere in 2016 - then seeing Britta expelled from Greendale this episode, I'm getting the vibe that Britta will be living in New York, if Community comes back for another season.

It seems pretty obvious that the "Is Vince Doing the Movie?! schtick and ALL THOSE PHOTOS are just a clever campaign by the Entourage marketing team. Shame on you, avclub.

Immediately after shouting "Bazinga!", Jeff nearly strangles Abed to death. Not difficult to read into that one. Also, the episode was fantastic. "Wild West, baby. Space version of the WILD WEST!"

Disney needs to expand their thinking. I'd gladly pay $15 for a CGI Herbie Goes Bananas in glorious IMAX 3D.

Britta had some fine moments in that second episode. "Oh yeah? That's what people say when they take your soul, and they rip it out of your chest, AND THEY SHOVE IT IN YOUR MOUTH!!!"