
Considering the core audience of this show was 2-4 years old when that happened I do applaud the writers for having that for older fans.

As soon as I heard her say rape I had to pause and text people to make sure it was the first time the show had done that.

"I guess there was a show. I wont watch it" Fuck off. That's like someone playing a useless werewolf not watching True Blood.

Chaos Bleeds tried to hard to force itself into the mythology. "From beneath you" was too much.

Arrow rebounded in a way I havent seen since Buffy season 4 vs Buffy season 5.

How many more times does Savitar have to say "I'm the future, Flash" before they realize he is saying "I'm the future Flash"? Your greatest enemy is you and all that.

I started eating some chips right before Frank started telling Dee about Jerry. I made a huge mistake.

You're not the only one. Damn it. I knew i recognized him. Reaper is just buried in my mind.

"It's ok to kill strangers. It is when you make it personal you lose yourself"

Ahh yes. She was wearing the "Tahiti is a magical place" shirt.

Where was Amy Acker?

They could have posted that weeks ago. Nothing that happens tonight will change their mind.

The names point was a joke. Summer will be Talia.

Oh I meant Glau and Ghul as a joke.

Well whoever the child of Ghul is we will see them in May. Plus their names are so close.

So Summer is Talia Al Ghul right?