The Third Man

Guh? The best film of the year should feel rapturous.

Or he just has better taste than most nerds.

James Benning is no joke.

I was looking for a torrent of Aleksandr Sokurov's Mother and Son last night. Lemme tell ya, lotta incest porn out there.

I watched it the other night on the recommendation of a friend who had the same impression of it as you did.

I got that from the New York Times, are they wrong? Either way, amending that to "taught philosophy at MIT" wouldn't damage the point much.

It would be telling if that were the extent of my defense of Malick's films, but it's not, and the idea that his work is obscure or difficult is pretty hilarious, frankly. Especially these days when he has everybody narrating his philosophical inquiries. The Tree of Life even opens with a damn thesis statement.

Though, to reiterate, if there's anybody who this would not apply to, it would be the director who literally had tenure as a philosophy professor at freakin' MIT.

The highlight was the look on Stevens' face before he grenades a diner full of senior citizens.

It's always funny to see people criticize a director who was a tenured professor of philosophy at one of the most prestigious schools in America as "pseudo-philosophical."

Fuck, there's a new J-Live?

Gummo bathtub kid is still worse.

What critical plot details were obscured? The plot - and nothing is more overrated than plot - is simply an alien exploring what it means to be a human. The only two things remotely obscured are what, exactly, she does to her subjects, and who exactly it is that chases her on that bike - but that's the point, that has…

There isn't a more meaningless word in criticism. What was the pretense?

Under the Skin. In my world, everybody is required to watch sensuous arthouse science fiction.

Lucy is better than all those anyway, and it's not like blockbusters are starving for attention.

It didn't change my mind, exactly, but the finale of Killer Joe raised it from "Good Coens-esque neo-noir thriller" to "HOLY-FUCKING-SHIT"-level ballsy masterpiece of 2012. My jaw literally dropped and I spent most of the drive home laughing hysterically at what I'd just seen.

Not to mention, as outrageously successful as she is, I doubt Miley really needs to switch up anything right now.

As an avid Tarr fan, I can't say I see this comparison…or joke, if I'm missing it.

Frozen had an emphasis on characters? I thought it had an emphasis on really boring, hollow archetypes coupled with generic animation. Man, I do not get the love for this movie. Just so, so average.