
WOW, just spotted one really dedicated Dornan-FSoG fan account (very active in past support) dared to express disappointment on IG with the fan first screener. Also said lots of others at the theater were underwhelmed too. She's been sic-ed upon by rabid fandom and pretty much forced to submit and apologize for her

Genuinely interested, no snide: how deep in the fandom are you, because screener invites were pretty select for the devoted fans only? I really am interested in an early opinion (as objective as possible). If you are fandom, I find you leading with "wasn't bad at all" and the value of Elfman's score to the movie

Read that Dakota wears merkins for some bits and some poor crew lackey had to monitor degrees of pube length at various points to ensure they tracked. Also read they had a peen-rig for him (already in Prop stock from another past movie) but assume those scenes didn't make it to the final cut given the "R".

… or their own abuse apologist BS.

Having seen the pics from an "artistic" shoot he did way back: Dornan is a Bell 429 (absolute max) compared to Fassbender's AH-1Z Viper.