
This discounts the contribution of his cinematographers…

…Requiem for a Dream?

Should have been the title of this article!

The battle for Mystique's soul served a host of other purposes, not limited to the testing of Prof X. faith in humanity and inherent goodness and exploring the lengths young Magneto would go to further his cause - the central problem with using Mystique as the basis for the upgraded sentinels is that in the end

I half expected Wolverine to wake up in the present to find Cyclops waxing his (Wolverine's) new Toyota 4x4…

Hmm, maybe I've misunderstood the way Kitty's new movie power works…

When I first read the article title, my initial thought was that Rogue was cut because she would have seemed like a more practical choice than Mystique for sentinel research…

Oh and France

At least enough time for several trips between DC and New York…

Nevemind that Kitty doesn't eat or sleep (as far as we know) for the days-on-end that she's projecting Wolverine's consciousness into the past non-stop… And doesn't the arrival of the sentinels provide a "countdown clock"?