Richard Fritz

I miss the days when "online harassment" was dealt with by gibbing the other guy with your flak cannon.

Another art school project pretending it's a video game. A nine dollar price tag is about ten dollars too many.

I think the Jezebel citation really cements the motive behind writing this article.
Not to imply this is a respectable move by Carson, though.

Nice to know the nonsensical liberal battle cry of "you're racist" is still at full volume. Then you wonder why the only press you can get in the presidential election is how terrible Hilary Clinton is at using a computer.

It means collapsing as a nation. You're then gobbled up by Russia or become Russia: a sad, alcoholic shadow of your former self.

Why does James Bond have to be "rebooted?" He's a relic. It's like saying we have to paint King Tut's sarcophagus with encouraging phrases toward the LGBT crowd.

It sounds like a disaster.
If they wanted a great and convincing villain, they should have got Karl Pilkington.

You can find plenty of home movies of Syrian refugees marching through European towns to wherever it is they're going. An alarmingly large amount are men, not a woman or child in sight.

If we're playing that game, you're probably not even employed. No wonder you're not worried about immigration.

I guess we should be thankful it didn't end in a Smash Mouth musical number.

I guess we should be thankful it didn't end in a Smash Mouth musical number.

Yeah, sorry I want my kids to live in a country where they can actually find careers and not get beheaded by a local drug cartel.
I bet you support the all-male Euro-Syrian immigration too.

"Developer 343 Industries is still faithful to Bungie’s original vision, and the game has remained remarkably intact since Halo: Combat Evolved was released nearly 15 years ago."

I can't figure out why the political left is so eager to defend people who will literally breed them out of existence.