Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

(I may be internetting under the influence.)

Whoa, wait, did they really offer Geoff Johns the gig? That would be both horrifying desperation on WB's part and surprising self-restraint on Johns' part.

Justice League: Quest For The Martha Box

Okay, fine, I'll ask what we're thinking: is Potsquatch a sexy dancer?

I imagine it must've been all his pro-Patriots tweets on Sunday that broke the camel's back.

In my head, Disasterpiece is the title of Greg Sestero's book, even though I bought a copy and read it. It should absolutely be the movie's title.

I've seen The Room and read the book, and yes, it could absolutely make a fun movie. It's James Franco's involvement reduces my confidence.

I wouldn't bet against it making more money than Dark Knight Rises in the end.

Hell, this decade.

Shulkie has the Best Mom Ever, apparently.

"Huhuhuhuh, turgid."
- Zach Snyder

"Oh, he's well-supervised, madam, I assure you."
- Alfred

Somewhere, Randy Quaid thinks "Hey, somebody just complimented me!"

Champeen?! Well la-dee-da aren't we a mister pancy pants. Froot of the Loom ain't good enough for him!

I can't upvote this hard enough.

Hmm… Something that I felt, but could never quite put into coherent words. Now I can add this to the litany of What's Wrong With The Snyderverse. (It's like the rosary, but longer and with more guilt.)

Jebus, those remastered TOS effects are atrocious. I can't believe anyone thought that was a good idea.

So Zack Snyder has 3500 moms?

It's okay man, there's no such thing as two.

That's it! I'm naming my band New Murder Podcast.