Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

It's bright red, literally as hard as a rock, and asymetrical. Hope that helps. There's also a slightly sulphury odor, if you're into that.

That might be asking too much. Too many reallys.

But we'll finally get the full frontal Hellboy we've been waiting for. Turns out it's not his hand that's the key to Armageddon.

We’d also need a schedule that would give us enough lead time to make it interesting.

For the *weary sigh* now inevitable 11th season, how about two-hour-long episodes or just TV movie events? Then everything might not feel so rushed and half-baked.

The aliens are all hairdressers and telephone sanitizers.

Like trash.

I am stealing "Agent Copy & Agent Blank." Thank you.

Hey, don't diss Ed Wood. His movies are way more thought-out and entertaining than this revival.

THIS IS THE END. Now, that's trolling.

I was just happy that she got a name. I kept thinking during Founder's Mutation Chris Carter loves nothing more than coming up with ridiculous character names and all she gets is Nurse?

Ted Cruz looks like the son of Punch and Judy. Assuming Punch and Judy were really siblings.

I wish there was some way we could make him see this thread, and that we could see the steam shooting from his ears.

…on a second-rate telenovela.

Nah, even melted blobfish are still kinda cute.

And yet he still had to share it with all those pervs at work.

Why are there not Get Smart comics? Wait a sec… *consults Google* Okay, why are there not any modern Get Smart comics? And don't tell me it's because funny comics don't sell. Just because that's true doesn't mean I have to accept it.

Shouldn't it be Marvel's Agent Of Chaos?

Do you like ice cream? Well, here's a big bag of rocksalt!

Hmm. Not exactly a surprise, but I was hoping he was playing Henry Gyrich. (I'd have liked to see Freeman in a manipulative, conniving role.) But hey, you can't go wrong casting Martin Freeman as a comedy sidekick. And I guess it's safe to assume we'll see more of him in the Black Panther movie, so that's cool.