
Stairway to Heaven is a good song.

Perhaps future printings of his autobiography will be retitled "A Bold, Fresh Piece of Fucking Shit."

William Hung?

Was there a missing persons report filed? Did any friends or relatives report him missing? No? Ok, end of podcast. Leave the man alone.

My guess is that you've been a card carrying asshole longer than you've been anything else. If you actually responded to what was actually being said, you might be capable of making an interesting or insightful comment.

I don't know if I'm alone in this, but I found the tone of this piece to be needlessly snarky, to the point of being unattractively cynical. I also feel it misrepresented, either intentionally or by omission of context or content, what Pecknold was trying to say.

listening to it now and this is one of the funniest songs i have ever heard.

Plus, Penn's Night Moves is better.

Curt Exchanges with Hideous Executives

I don't know, am I? My comment is right there, black on white. I said "I'm not sure we should compare and rank them."

Discrimination is wrong, no matter the race or sexual orientation or gender or whatever. It might not be "hard" being white, but it's bullshit when a group you belong to—and didn't choose to belong to—is discriminated against, beaten, killed, ostracized, or denied rights. LGBTQ rights issues are human rights issues,

How would it be possible to know that?