
I think it's more of a dark humour overall than individual witticisms but stuff like Cap talking about having free nights because the members of his barbershop quartet all dead, Fury grousing at his stupid car's computer while he's getting shot at and the only thing working is the air conditioning, Black Widow kicking

Doctor Doom, Veranke, Kl'rt, Galactus…

I think it's mentioned in Winter Soldier somewhere, maybe by Arnim Zola? I know that I knew it going into the film already somehow.

It's the same thing that happened to Hawkeye in Avengers 1 though and everyone forgave him.

Really? I wanted more of it. They only had a couple of scenes together in Winter Soldier but I really liked their mututal attraction and awkwardness around one another and I thought there was some more of that here. He was too scared and too caught up in the war to try anything with Peggie and then it was too late,

At different points I thought they were going to kill off Cap, Hawkeye or War Machine.

Love it.

Tubman sounds like a great superhero film.

I love them both equally. They both do some great things that the other could never do.

Just make one of the new kids gay and then have some fan favourite background character be gay too, like Ackbar. They missed a chance with Poe Dameron not giving Finn a kiss for good luck in the last one.

I thought it was Sharon Stone and Michael Douglas as dinosaurs.

I remember seeing that ghostbusters trailer where melissa mccarthy gets possessed and starts acting pretty creepy and I thought "oh, so that's the plot twist. SHE'S going to be the villain!" and then she turned back into human immediately. i was disappointed.

Is he going to get sucked into their alternate lifestyle and change his name to Jamie Furr?

Would he make a good Aaron Stack? I think he'd make an interesting one.

You monster!

Mas y Menos.

I thought Cisco might've tried using some Reverb powers so that he could step up in Flash's place for a bit.

He's rewatching Season 6 of Firefly. The best one!


Encino Man.