Sambo Davis JR

I love CM Punk, but 'CM Punk!' chants need to end. That opening segment was fine, and potentially important dialogue failed to register cuz that crowd was too busy climbing up its own ass. Leave Roman alone!

Sure, Dodger is way cool, but he's a serious square relative to Cooler in 'Pound Puppies & The Legend of Big Paw'.

Not of much relevance, but I knew you lived in NYC as soon as you said "regional bias".

It has been established that Randy Orton (pictured right) does not own any pants.

I agree that Bray was somewhat lost post-Cena, and the breakup of the Family was a bad idea that was poorly executed, but I think the Taker fued is a great use of both dudes. And, yeah, Bray's promos became a bit unfocused for awhile, but they've become more focused and brief, and I think they've been solid recently.

Theoretically, Wrestlemania Season should be an ideal time to begin regular reviews of Raw, but the way forward appears lackluster at the moment. However, I am happy to see this and hope it continues. There are surely worse TV programs receiving weekly coverage on this site.

Make mine Boohbah.

Huh, I just discovered via Facebook that a dear friend of mine died yesterday. Hope they had a chance to activate this helpful feature.

I only just began watching The Daily Show on the reg again last week after investing in Hulu Plus, and Jon Stewart looked awful tired to me. I was wondering how long he'd keep this particular flame burning, and now I have a general idea. Sad, but not surprising. The man has given me many laughs. Best of luck to him in

Unlike most of these, the Pavement track is pretty clearly an intentional homage to The Fall—exclamation point in the title even. The song functions much like The Fall's 'I am Damo Suzuki' which pays blatant tribute to Can.

I will always love Bob Balaban because Bob Balaban directed 'Parents'.

I presume that Suge will soon 'die' of Ken Lay Disease, which is the number one killer of rich and powerful men who are facing extended prison time.

Legedu Naanee

I understand the early elimination for D.Bry if he wasn't winning. They wanted to create a distance between that and Roman's victory in order to isolate him from the fallout. But the event was basically wrecked after DB was out, and they did Roman no favors with the positioning and treatment of Ziggler and Ambrose—two

I could only defend this Roman Reigns business cuz I honestly believed they wouldn't pull the trigger quite yet. They dropped 7 figures on the Rock to save him from derision and it failed. I'll let the angle play out, but I am not currently confident in its success.

This week in outstanding moments from a mediocre season: Dandy's petulant "That's mine!" in reference to the gun with which he was shot. Honestly, I was rooting for Dandy to win until the waterlogged end.

I once attended a Neil Hamburger gig and laughed a loud, obnoxious laugh at all of his jokes. The venue imploded.

A C- episode sure, but Doogie Howser's feeble 'tah-da' after he pulls bifurcated Emma Roberts apart was an A+ moment.

Bitches be trippin', Brotendo. However, as a Taller-Handsomer-Man, I am amused by your suffering.

Stu Scott is well and widely remembered, and that is truly the best that any of us can hope for in the long run. Good on him. Thanks, Stu.