Sambo Davis JR

"I don't know if that's controversial, but it sure as hell is funny."

You know they supposedly wanna give Neville a mask and turn him into a Mighty Mouse cartoon comedy kids character. A man so talented as that. Of course, that may be dirtsheet bullshit meant to rile smarks like me, but it's totally believable. What I'm saying really: your cynicism is justified.

Unfortunately, I am not fully confident that the wobbly nascence of the El Rey network will support the expense required for future Lucha Underground. But I'm hoping that they keep it running. I especially love the cokehead Hefe, and seeing Ricochet (Prince Puma) on my TV is nice. I do agree that the format makes it

They have been quite respectful of Hideo thus far, but he suffers in the shadow of Finn Bàlor. Also, I assume that Hideo, like all NXTers, will soon be murdered by Kevin Owens.

Yeah well, we're having a Superkick Party and your face is the guest of honor.

Thanks to all. You mean the world to me. But I discovered that temporarily I can have snowball fights on GTA V Online. And by snowball fights, I mean I throw a playful snowball and then some 6 year old mows me down with a machine gun. So that'll be my holiday then.

Can anyone make holiday-adjacent Netflix suggestions? It's just me, the cats, the whiskey and the TV. We've got hours to fill, and The Pee-Wee's Playhouse Xmas Special is gonna carry us only so far.

The best boy band of all time was The Sex Pistols.

That sure did make me weepy about the passage of time. Also: what, I wonder, was the cumulative net worth of that chorus?

Who makes the Nazis?

You ever dance with the Devil in the pale moonlight?

"Did you get that thing I sent ya?"

Perhaps Dennis 'The Worm' Rodman will intercede on America's behalf. Failing that, maybe he could call up his old buddy Hollywood Hulk Hogan. You recall how The Hulkster handled those goddamn Gremlins when they tried to interrupt Gremlins II, I'm sure. Where are our Real Americans when we need them most?

R.Crumb also hated this film, and he created the damn cat.

I had to AskJeeves what a PewDiePie is. I don't know anything anymore. Maybe I oughta be taken out back and shot.

Well, I have been told that I'm more horse than a man.

I drank heavily and cried repeatedly while binging on BoJack Horseman.

Dr. Cosby may be vile, but that Technicolor Dreamcoat is Amazing.

That number is also the maximum amount of money one can amass in GTA V. And now I understand why. Thanks, Psy.

"Nobody ever went wrong with our friend the blueberry."