Sambo Davis JR

Well, yeah, of course I seek professional help. My psychiatrist takes all of my cable money. And, by psychiatrist, I mean that clerk with the weird mustache at the liquor store.

Sorry. I'm a taker, to be sure, but if it makes you feel any better, I don't have fun doing it. I'm incapable of experiencing pleasure.

Classic Morgan.

Jeez Louise. I find that I'm not all that affected by tragedy in general, but other folks' reaction to tragedy always gets me. Bullet in Beth's head is a bummer, but everyone else's watery eyes hit me hard. Whatever, thought the EP was solid. However, my torrent cut off before the Morgan bit. How goes that?

There are those whose opinions I respect who claim that Die Hard is the greatest of holiday films, but the real answer is clearly Gremlins.

Wouldn't it be funny if Spike started airing like 5 Cosby Shows right now?

What is Jimmy Fallon doing in the Impact Zone's time slot?!

I'm hoping to be honoured by the playing of the entirety of Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music.

I will never forgive you, The Commish. You've earned yourself a lifetime pass to my Shit List.

"Go to hell!"


When is David Bowie gonna show up?

Hurm. I *love* The Rolling Stones and they all died in a plane crash before I was born. All praise be to recording technology.

Fuck Gareth. Some people deserve to die, that's just unconscious knowledge.

I'm saying that she is Danzig, as it was He who gifted us Halloweens I & II.

No, I have a Droid Maxx.

You are correct. Advice invalidated.

No anger, just advice, chum.