Sambo Davis JR

No need to announce your bonifides, just let your hectoring prose shit for itself.

Thank you for Halloween, Carmen.

I wasn't accusing you of perpetuating the "black character" fallacy—if it seemed so.

I anticipate that the "only one black character at a time rule" will be the new "the San Antonio Spurs are boring", as in it will obviously cease to be true but lazy commentarians will just go on repeating it for a decade anyhoo.

I initially misread the title of this episode as 'Massacres and Manatees', but the massacre of manatees remains a separate and unrelated freakish Floridian tragedy.

Alternative title: Aaahh!!! Real Monsters.

"But that’s–that’s bad copy. It’s in July. Of course it’s every July! There’s too much directing around here."

I'm highly uncomfortable with this statement: "Bon Jovi looks great." Cameron Esposito's presumption of a right to issue that uninvited judgement is troubling and problematic.


"…a figure of tragic alienation and self-loathing, forced to spend eternity as an outcast with no possibility of companionship or love."

WrestleMania X8: Hogan v. Rock. Hotter than 10thousand suns. No great shakes in a vacuum, but that SkyDome shit was bananas. One of my favorite moments in any field of entertainment.

I hope to god that the bunny is not Zayn upon reveal.


I remember exactly where I was when that quote was born. As clear in my memory as 9/11.

Yes, the production values are atrocious. Which is especially odd considering it's owned by Sinclair Broadcasting. And its top talent are routinely snatched by WWE. It's almost a feeder system for WWE's developmental brand NXT, which in turn feeds WWE.

I watch WWE and ROH most every week. I have the WWE Network. There, I said it. Who are you to judge?

There are 8 million stories in the naked city, and almost all of them are boring.

The vital information in this article is contained entirely in the first sentence. All else expressed in the interview necessarily follows.