
Why the hell do we still care what that weak ass manboy, Fitz thinks about anything?

Who also plotted and nearly succeeded in an assassination attempt on him the result of which might be his boring ass behavior and general ineptitude….or not

Can somebody please go get that little baby from Cyrus? Though he could be raising a future president…


I couldn't handle it. It was just…ugh

Junior drag?

Why don't they just say that frank did the coke? At least in prison they'd have to give him some form of care…

But the point of the tank was intimidation.Just a big gun for show. The people the Governor came with wouldn't have wanted the prison destroyed. It was only the governor who went all "If I can't have the prison no one can". The others genuinely wanted a safe place, I think.

I too struggled to believe that Rick would let the Governor in but had only just forced Carol out. It wasn't believable in the least. The only question I still have is who was leaving the rats for the fence walkers.