
In fact, "The Bourne Legacy" is better than "Jason Bourne". If only Damon and Greengrass accepted to make a last one where Bourne would face Jeremy Renner's Aaron Cross.

Personally, I would still take Rachel Weisz and Ed Norton over Tommy "Old & Bored" Jones and Alicia 'Ex-Machina 2" Vikander.

Joss Whedon should cast her for Batgirl.
She showed in "The Edge of Seventeen" how funny and dark she can be in the very same dialogue. Great actress.

And yes Joss, she sings.

But she was so underused by the show, though. She was clearly the fourth wheel, especially during the last seasons, which were all about Katie Holmes.

Is it fair to say that Keri Russell is having the best post-WB career for a lead actress ?
I mean, she received a Hollywood Walk of Fame 15 years after "Felicity"s series finale.

And yeah, Jessica Biel marrying Timberlake and making big bad movies is not a success.

Thank you, M. Morris.
And glad they gave a second season to The Comeback, to remind everybody how you and Lisa Kudrow delivered one of the most touching TV couples.

This is his very own "Matador".

Hope his post-Bond career gets better than Brosnan's, though.

If there is a Capcom brand to adapt right now, this is clearly "Dino Crisis".
I know that nobody wants to upset Steven Spielberg, but come on, a dark and violent "Jurassic Park" ?

I watched an episode.

How can the man who created Law & Order can produce such a dumb show ?
Good call, NBC.

Last time De Niro and Pfieffer played husband and wife, it was for Luc Besson's awful ''The Family".

It was about a former mafia family.

Last time he did not "connect" to a script written by Simon Kinberg, he gave us "Jumper", so… thanks for leaving.

Loved "Boston Public"s first season. Great cast and great writing from Kelley.
It's a shame it was never released on DVD.

I get it, Ridley.
If someone has to hurt you legacy, it should be you.

By the way, making 4 sequels of the very poorly scripted Prometheus is certainly a good move in that direction.

When you start rooting for "Star Trek 4 : The Search for Thor" instead of this show, that's quite worrying.

Danny Boyle, go work on 28 Months Later… before David Fincher masters the zombie movies before you with WW Z 2.
You know… like he already did with the biopic about a nerd-genius-millionaire who is so alone and sad in reality.

But what a list of misfires since the last one…. She could use an Emmy to relaunch her movie career.

The man looks like a sincere filmmaker, but let's be honest : he looks like the guy who makes movies franchises that nobody wants to.
Jurassic Park 3, Wolfman, Captain America ?

Is it allowed to say the third and fourth seasons really hurt the show's legacy ?
Lost's mythology was really coherent, by comparison.

Lawrence as Mystique looks bored as hell, and Fassbender deserves so much better that what they write for him.
The First Class Trilogy was over. It was definitely time to comeback to the present time line, to launch a new trilogy. After all, what was the point to reboot everything with DOFP ?
And let's be honest

So James Cameron is basically doing a multimillion dollars TV show.
Well, Marvel/Disney already did it.

HBO also released trailers of "Flights of the Conchords" and "Deadwood".

Guess what, for the second one, I thought about HBO loving David Milch's script so much for the long-promised TV-movie that they wanted to tease it already.