
Back in the days, Milch declined HBO's offer to make a fourth season of 6 episodes, because each season was supposed to cover two weeks in Deadwood's life. Instead, he asked for 2 TV-movies.
So this time, really hope he accepted's HBO deal to write only one TV-movie, because he has a fucking good idea about a final

As the lead of the show, she could have organized a party to say goodbye to the all cast, when "Dr Quinn"'s cancellation was official,…
Just saying.
By the way, it was a good family drama, nicely produced.

That's why it was a big deception to see her so underemployed on "Cold Case" (like any member of the cast, to be honest) for several seasons.

Hey ! "I - It's-fun-to-watch-just-waiting-for-Veronica-Mars-to-comeback-as-a-limited-series - Zombie" !
I'll be there.

And enters Bruce Willis…

Two amazing action sequences in that movie : this one and the raptors in the kitchen.
In fact… the ones where the children are scared to death.

Not as much as any former member of Buffy's cast who gave Whedon his phone numbers at the EW reunion, hoping to work with him for his next project ;)
But hey, let's be honest. Only Alexis Denisof REALLY deserves something.

Well, Kevin Feige must be really pissed of that his Marvel adoptive brother choose to go work for the enemy, and now is certainly gonna try to kill Agent Coulson's show, just because he's family.

Wait a minute.

The first ones are also certainly the same who love "Punch Drunk Love" and "Funny People", and kind of like "Spanglish" and "Reign Over Me".

So that's where Adrien Brody's career was going… Ok, that's not so bad, after all.

Their idea of continuing the regular franchise with the First Class generation is such a mistake… Sophie Turner instead of Famke Janssen ? J. "I'm bored" Law as Mystique instead of Ellen "Super" Page as Kitty Pryde ? Come on.
They really need to realize they should comeback to the present time line, and use

And let's not forget the moment in "Jurassic Park" where she finds a black man's arm without the black man who usually comes with it it.

If he could also tell us when the timing is right for 28 Months Later, that would be great ;)
After all, "The Walking Dead" is having some problems with its ratings right now… People are finally getting tired of slow and boring storyl.. zombies.

Well, Prometheus was dumb (thank you, Damon Lindelof) but beautifully shot.
Genesys was not only ambitious (hey, let's reboot a classic movie !) but also really awful… There is really nothing to save in that movie.

Well, last time Warner hired an X-Men director to save Superman, we got Superman Returns.

I clearly prefer to see Vaughn skip his Kal-El phase, and alrealdy comeback to the X-Men… To save them from Simon Kinberg.

Certainly not Charisma Carpenter.
Or she would have certainly not spanked him.

She was an honest and always well-intended character.
Buffy, Willow or Xander could be (very) mean, sometimes. But not Tara. She was the voice of reason, especially since Joyce's departure.
And with Giles leaving the next season, the whole gang kind of collapsed. That was a progressive move.

Well, that, and because nobody from "Buffy" and "Angel" seems to really like David Boreanaz as a person.
In 12 years of "Bones", not one guest-star coming from "Buffy" or "Angel" ? Come on…

Indeed… but we loved that prick.
(Unlike Connor.)

And that's why an "X-Men" solo movie about a Kitty Pryde post-DOFP, written and directed by Joss Whedon, would be perfect.
After all, casting Ellen Page in this role was the only good thing Brett Ratner did in his whole career.