
Well, now we know Fox's creative direction about this show…
Characters with powers that does not need too many complex special effects.

Remember when the "not so good" David Goyer directed Blade 3 after writing the first two who were good mostly because of the director's work ?

Yeah… "Blade Trinity" is so awful that nobody wants to remember it.
Jessica Biel and Ryan Reynolds were in that thing.
So, please, not the "not so good" Simon Kinberg.

Jennifer Lawrence is killing the series, helped by Fox who wants to continue with the past timeline. While :
1) they have entirely rebooted the present timeline…. for what ?
2) they have a bunch of actors who are just waiting, and could ask less money than J.Law and could really care about doing a decent job -

The Wolverine is indeed, underrated.
I really love to re-watch only the first two acts, tough.
The end of the movie is a mess.

Keanu, if you REALLY want to make a useless sequel, make Speed 3.
At least, we can have a fun title.

Especially when you have Famke Janssen or Ellen Page who could easily do so much more than what the franchise gave them to do, so far.
What about one-shot movies that would explore what happened to Kitty Pride and some others after the DOFP reboot ?
(Joss Whedon could do something about that.)

And then bring him to life and create a TV show around him, and NEVER EVER mention him again on the movies side.

That would be really respectful of the audience, the actor and the character.

Well, so I can have 2 trailers instead of only one (the one I was looking for.)

So… thanks ?

And the twist would be they are the sames who let Speed 2 happening.
(Special guest star : Sandra Bullock).

Indeed. A good agent and an acting style that inspires writers.
What else ?

Well, Joss Whedon is currently working on a World War II horror movie.

Yeah, this news about Bad Robot means that the Whedon/Abrams untold competition continues.

Lois & Clark killed itself with its third season…
Curious to know if ABC asked to the writers to go full Moonlight Syndrome, or if they decided that, thinking that they'll still have a story to tell after putting those two together.

Well… this is just the main side effect of the Tim Burton syndrome.

This show looks like the way Gillian Jacobs found to tell the world that Britta was not that awful.
But she's not very good as Mickey. Her bored face is quite repetitive, and I really don't buy her as a smoker.
Girl, look some Mad Men… They know how to handle a cigarette.

And that's also why the sequel was not that bad… A little average, yes, but still worth watching when it's on TV.
And I love those times when you had great actors playing secondary characters : Julianne Moore in the Fugitive, Robert Downey Jr in US Marshals.
By the way, a threequel starring an old Tommy Lee Jones

Especially if he tries to make Silicon Valley for ABC…
I mean, only someone like Victor Fresco can do something like that on this network.

A black and good looking version of Judah Freidlander.

And then, Marti Noxon realized that buying this average movie was just a way to ask her if Joss Whedon would like to make something for Netflix…
Like a revival of one of his previous shows (but no Dollhouse).

Let's not forget the man approved Terminator Genesys before its release… So let's say that regarding this franchise, money comes first.

Were they also looking for someone for ''Chosen'' ?
They announced a fourth season in april 2014, and since then… nothing.