
Can we doubt that people who're gonna buy Fifty Shades Soundtrack know that Danny Elfman is the basically Tim Burton's John Williams, and the guy who wrote the Simpsons theme, but also Spiderman, Good Will Hunting and Men in Black soundtracks ?

Indeed… but his movies fight with Joss Whedon still continues to be pretty interesting.
Until now, we got :
MI3 vs Serenity
Star Trek vs Avengers
Super 8 vs Much Ado About Nothing
Star Trek 2 vs Avengers 2
Star Wars vs… Joss Whedon's upcoming horror movie set in World War II.

Don't worry… the origin story is simple : the WB wanted a Buffy-like show, soapier and sexier. So they asked to Aaron Spelling.
He did the job.

Yeah, but he's basically playing the same role since Django…
His very own stand-up towards several different movies. Jerry certainly noticed it.

If HBO wants to create some interest around a third season, McConaughey is still their best card…. Also bring back Rachel McAdams's character and tell a third and final big story that would give the impression that everything was linked.

And yet, the movie is the perfect 2 of Ryan Gosling 2016's Hollywood Classics trilogy, right after "The Big Short" and before "La La Land".

”The day that the Entertainment Weekly cover came out [“Buffy Quits“, March 7, 2003] — that was the day we all found out ‘Buffy’ was over. I was devastated. I was just very shocked,” Hannigan told EW.

Reading interviews about him, it's clear David Boreanaz had some difficulties to get what his own show was about.
And I would not be surprised to learn that the Angel TV movies never happened because of him.
I mean, Denisof, Acker and Richards are all very friends with each other… and with Whedon himself.
That's also why

This is what we call a "creative justification"… That's always more noble than let's say… "I'm exhausted by working on that show. 7 years of is quite a long run for a teen TV drama, and except the actress who played my sister, I'm not really friend with any of my co-workers. And like so many TV lead actresses, I want

I would have liked to know why Woodside wanted so much to join Buffy… Most of the actors's show who came for secondary characters realized afterwards they were part of something special.
(And I think David Boreanaz still does not get it.)
And let's not forget Buffy's final season must have been weird to shoot, for

It's not that perfect… It's fun, but the montage has some problems.
First, when the title appears : it should have start like the original one… where the camera does not move.

This is mostly Verhoeven failing to conclude his SF/Satire quadrilogy, started with Robocop, Total Recall and Starship Troopers.
In a way, his "bad girls" quadrilogy is quite flawless : Basic Instinct - Showgirls - Black Book, and now Elle.
What a body of work.

Matt Damon in another sequel of his classic movies ?
His last Jason Bourne was so bad that it made Jeremy Renner's spin-off looks really good in comparison.

Well, 2 different cases :
The Office was an amazing show that started to struggle creatively during during its sixth season. Carell left the year after, and they should have stopped the show…
But NBC was desperate and renewed it for 2 more years.
HIMYM was an average comedy that lived thanks to the Friends nostalgia,

So the Beast is gonna to adopt this cute little girl who looks like Hermione, after killing her biological father, right ?

Those Disney movies are so predictable.

Well, if it was a european movie, that could be.
But hey, this is another Hollywood role for her… So she's just asking for cash and star power.

"Creative ambition is overrated." - Bryan Sing.. David Yates.

Well, Homeland is basically the new Dexter.
4 good seasons.
Followed by 4 useless ones.

She was oustanding in "Once & Again", when she was only 14.
Movies did not really succeeded to bring something as good from her, but glad she finally got some exposure on TV. Once again.

And Angelina Jolie ripped of that nice idea for her "By the Sea".
That was a pretty cringe-worthy movie, but here again, the same question : what if the star couple revealed by a blockbuster movie stayed together ?