
What's really funny is that the right's continuous hissy fit over Obama has galvanized many into positions more similar to Ayers, while Obama was a centrist at most.

Good Germans, they just want peace, but some people are causing trouble all the time. . . .

Would Charlottesville have happened without Fallon's legitimization of Trump?

And the assumption that "could literally only be obtained through a Capitalist system" is an unproven assumption. As for that being a mark of hypocrisy, libertarians who fail to Go Galt and starve in the woods are guilty of the same, as everything they use is of course made by a community violating the NAP, according

But I thought Occupy protesters were hypocrites for having cellphones, made by capitalism????

Funny, they seem to live in a community and take full advantage of such.

No Platform for Utili-Kilts

No, but the people holding Nazi flags just MIGHT be Nazis

Yeah, any state that takes an anti-littering slogan as a battle cry is SERIOUS BUSINESS

"Both sides" with Nazis, really?

To be fair, the Oathkeepers are more Freikorps than Nazi, for now.

The same one who's children shouldn't walk his way

His followers haven't, and that's who he's playing to. There's a reason he only won the rural areas.

"or some pathetic slut that makes you want to fuck her while running away as fast as possible" ohhhh boy you got issues.

No, they weren't, and at least Sugar Ray knew they sucked.

Seriously - hearing that song every day for months, after just getting over "Sunny Came Home" and all the other horrible post-grunge pap made death seem a release.

I can't wait for them to open for Bachman Turner Overdrive at the state fair this year - BTE/BTO is TCB my friend!

The Club, Jesus Christ

It's always fun to go to town, even if it's just for an hour