Heavy Metal Pins & Needles

Let's just voice any other concerns out into the derrierewaves.

We do know that his hips probably won't lie though.
…otherwise that's perjury.

No need to butt in!

Japan's pretty great, with their waitstaff and all. Its like you're visiting an actual restaurant. Very unnerving at first.

"Snake Pliskennnnn, come out to playyayyy" - Robocop

I used my paragon leanings for that one moment during Mordin's mission where that Krogan was boasting about destroying all other species/laying siege to the galaxy. It might have been the renegade thing to do, but blowing him up mid-monologue felt so good.

"The savvy player can make any kind of choice work for them"
Man, I wish that were true. But that would imply that each choice has an equal benefit.

Crushin it. *Grabs your hand and forces you to high five*

I saw him erupt into a fiery rage when he read that movie's plot synopsis. He punched a window and completely shattered it. Glass cuts all over his hand. It looked gruesome.

EXCEPT FOR ONE! There's your Ant Man stinger.

Hey now. Iron Man cultivated mass.

"April's fucking dope." - TS Eliot

I mean, given the way the series has been going, its pretty obvious that the end will have Roger Sterling engineering a machine gun to kill a room full of the CGC guys (during a pitch presentation). Don, having been their prisoner for some time, will kill Ted with a chain.*

You're on the internet and your opinions are different from mine? UNACCEPTABLE!

I think the question suggests a larger issue at hand. Whether or not I have the potential to feel guilty in a game is directly related to how often the game tells me how I'm doing, i.e., if I'm okay. Its because most games are reward based and essentially have us salivating like dogs for "A" rankings or the best item

Based on his responses, it feels like Tommy Wiseau read a wikipedia article about America, watched a youtube video about it, and then read that specific video's entire comment section.

My Stepdad, Mike

That was my favorite part. It was like reading a transcript of an angry Steve Brule.

New shit has come to light man!

Did anyone else think the bending was INSANELY AWESOME in this episode? Most of it was from Bolin, but the others had some pretty cool moments too.