Heavy Metal Pins & Needles

As a weekly watcher, I thought S3 was better than s4 because its "two episodes a week" format -for most of the season- provided excellent pacing, and it was kind of hard getting through some episodes of the first half of S4.

You mean Kuvira right? I know it sounds crazy, but I've been mulling it over all day.

I thought that maybe Kuvira's punishment might be that she becomes the next avatar. Her weakness was that she couldn't actually deal with the burden of power and it corrupted her. Having to learn from her mistakes by becoming a force of universal order seems ironically fitting enough. I thought they might of hinted at

I always thought it was "DARPA Nerve Gas Project X1136782B."
Pretty sure its not supposed to be commercial.

"Sugar……….tits? Yes. YES!"

On one hand a For Our Consideration on "Turn Down For What" is charming in that the song is now a year old (to the day actually, nice), several months past its expiration date. But now I'll probably think about all of these points raised whenever I listen to it. And that's kind of problematic for me because I only


"Find?" Just use the goddamn thunderstone already.

Goddamn it Marie! They're not geodes! Wait. No, they are geodes actually. Oh damn it beaten to the punch.

No! No math! Not even once!

Wow. I now have very specific reasons about why I avoided this whole thing.

And how else are we going to know that Christmas is 13 days from now?

Did you…? Did you just use math to solve a problem?


They've never been out in the world! They're too chicken to see it!

Say what you want about Converse shoes, but they really know how to put a team together. Its actually difficult for me to find a "Three Artists, One Song" that I don't like.

The hackneyed power fantasy I often dream of is all about eating a bag full of dates at my local electrical company.

The concert I went to was kind of shitty because people kept standing in chairs and throwing trash but Clark's voice carried really well and her guitar sounded great, especially when she played that huge riff from "Huey Newton."

Is Jenny Lewis consistently good? I've only heard/watched the music video to "Just One of The Guys," which I loved.

Shit I didn't know I wanted this but this would be amazing.