Heavy Metal Pins & Needles

Ugh do not give fucking Iggy Azalea a grammy.

Its Fred. Actually no, the Transistor doesn't have a name but…well, there are some spoilers about the nature of the Transistor and its "name" sort of, so I won't get into that for others who want to play.

If you like Louie (the show, as well as the comedian's sense of humor) you'll like Birdman. Watch it.

Thank god for the Steam Exploration sale, as I have been playing the shit out of Transistor as of late. I pretty much echo the AV Club review of the game in terms of how I feel about it, and while I must admit I don't give too much of a shit about the story (although I like its noirish elements) I think the gameplay

It also foreshadows the twist that James Bond isn't actually a spy, just a 45 year old spyologist.

Rumors so far mention Adele, Sam Smith. So its probably going to be Not Jack White.

Its nice to have a dude of color as part of the main cast, but its his writing man! I find him harmless and inoffensive too, but somehow the "adorkable" just doesn't work for me and after most of his lines, I tend to groan. When he isn't being serious, he's grating to me. Hate is a strong word though. Watching him is

It was the hero we needed, AND deserved!

One of my favorite moments from this episode was when Dr. Cheerleader Wells said "nothing can stop Barry!" with some kind of hilariously crazy passion. It revealed a bit of his kooky obsession with The Flash and made me want to say "okay…let's just calm down…", but it was a "meta" (ha. ha.) moment too because The

Barry had some bad ass moments like getting rid of the horse tranquilizer, setting fire …to the trash in that dumpster…-that moment might be up for review actually…

Multiple villains, fire forged friends, hero suffering from super power induced rage, a dude named Eddie who becomes Venom -I mean Reverse Flash, sorry-, unrequited love

As a staunch Cisco hater I AM SO CONFLICTED. He was…dare I say it…

The final installment of the Sonic Advance series happens to be juuust outside of your 10 year window by a few months…

Fap! Fap if you BELIEVE!


WAIT. That wasn't a real San Francisco skyline for the rooftop scene? They weren't even on a roof to begin with? Did Johnny really *not* hit her?

Ah! I knew it! Thanks.

This feels like a tribute to the AT mythos as much as it feels like an expansion. And the writing is phenomenal. The repeating of lines works on a deeply satisfying level (much like the writing in "Shh!" did "-the jam" comes to mind.)

I honestly thought tonight's episode would focus on steal speed. Flash loses his powers, Flash jumpstarts them with a little help from his friends, etc.

With the disrupt in the timeline, I was almost certain Cavanaugh would bring out Zoom to "save the day (future)" and destroy Blackout when he ordered Cisco to leave -the stakes were just that high. Either way, I agree, Cavanaugh clearly wins tonight's episode, but it would have been an A if that happened.