Heavy Metal Pins & Needles

"You don't care about people! Your game is chess! And we're your pawns! Which one of us will you sacrifice next?"

I watched the entirety of Daria, a show I was too young to watch/understand when it originally aired on MTV. You can really see how far MTV has fallen given that the show largely criticizes the vapid culture that MTV promotes today hilariously enough. In many ways its like Clone High in its satirizing of American high

You know how there are some albums out there that are meant to be listened to and appreciated holistically, from the first song to the very end? I'm starting to think the Legend of Korra is like that. Its a very binge-watchable show.

Oh…..I can't argue against opinion I guess, but that always made sense to me. I thought he was just acting instinctively to beingpushed out of a building window. He couldn't not use waterbending if he wanted to live. Like when Korra jumped off the cliff to swim to her first probending game, she waterbent to soften her

Season 1 was my favorite season too. What's the part everyone hates about its ending? Not that I object…I just forgot. Is it the part where she awakens the avatar state? I actually liked that a lot.

I agree, I wish they at least referenced it later. How hard could it be to have it playing on someone's radio?

I loved that the show was so self reflexive…and in being self reflexive, most of the jabs were aimed at S2. Unalaq's villainy was painfully boring.

"C" for "c'mon, more like a trip down memory laaaaame."

Never stick your dick in crazy.

"I feel like so many evil things throughout history have probably been launched with those two sentences."

He says what we're all thinking!

Yeah! Its sort of funny how the musical credits were only used for previews because they actually worked really well with the narratives of the next episode.

Luther always had pretty awesome musical choices so I'm actually kind of excited.


Remember all the trouble they went through in S1 in establishing Sayid's character as "not a brainwashed terrorist?"

The part of Mockingjay that I still can't come to terms with -and the reason why its my least favorite of the three books is the fact that

Ugh! It had so much potential! The mega long take at the beginning was so impressive. And the film looked really beautiful.

People hate on season 7 as a whole but Hide is definitely one of my favorite Who stories of all time.

The ending to the French sci fi film La Jetee was pretty mindblowing for me and pretty much changed how I perceived movies in general. Enter The Void was another movie like that, even though I hated it.

Yes it does. I had already changed my mind when Charlie died, but the final season was horrrrible.