Heavy Metal Pins & Needles

HEY! I WENT TO A NEW ENGLAND LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE BUDDY AND LET ME TELL YOU that you're pretty much spot on actually. We were all 85 pounds.

WELCOME TO THE THUNDERDOOOOOOME. But actually, I might just do some good ol' lurking from here on out.

Maybe the last for 2014?

Or Lethal Weapon 7 ….IN SPACE.

I really can't see Glenn Howerton in GOTG but if he played Dennis playing a character in GOTG he probably would have preferred to play Gamora.

Honestly thought this was an Onion article title. Well done Gotham.

I still think about that sometimes. Its in the top 7 of my favorite LOK scenes ever.

I was in awe watching Bolin lavabend this episode. Its actually really fucking powerful, and he seems really good at it.

But actually. How did Zhu Li get so bad ass (walking 20 miles with a sprained ankle?) Its something the story probably has no time for, but I want to know!

I suppose its pointless to argue on a subject with so little evidence, but I assumed there was a little (positive) change especially since this was the second time Korra had ever seen/faced those type of projectiles.

Hopefully he stays with Mako and Bolin's family at Asami's plot demanded house in the middle of nowhere. I don't mind him but…eh…he's not my favorite recurring character.

LOK went back to basics this episode and it feels great.

You couldn't pay me to watch this movie.

Mexicore is the music I make in the bathroom after having all of the chimichangas.

Or that one time Michael Jackson smoothly turned into a car to evade that criminal drug kingpin.

I tried to get into Good Charlotte for the chicks, but girls don't like Good Charlotte. Girls like cars and money.

Oh man. I finally put my finger on where I knew him from.


Agreed. And in briefly humoring the abstract concept of "filling a power vacuum," who knows if the next thing will be better? And if it is, wouldn't the hero be better prepared to deal with it? It might just be an acceptable thing not because it makes sense but because a lot of people are telling us it makes sense.

I am definitely on board with this sentiment, but I'm also starting to realize that lots of viewers —including myself- are probably going through major Felicity Smoak withdrawals (on The Flash, I mean) and Iris' blandness is probably worsening things.