Heavy Metal Pins & Needles

So Fry for (some) Friday?

Are you not about the Donk….song?

3.754 hipster units.

I knew it was The Master but I really really really wanted her to say The Valeyard. It was brought up in The Name of The Doctor, and it realllly would have tied into The Doctor's whole "am I a good man?" thing, which has pretty much disappeared. I know the Valeyard probably can't regenerate…but I can dream.

Every single crack in the universe was shut by 11 but one: that one disappeared on its own accord and reappeared in the sky on Trenzalore to give The Doctor the regeneration energy needed for another cycle: BUT WAIT there's a twist: it went to two places instead of one. With pretty much every single monster at the

You mean Zhurrick? Varli doing the things together?

Are you familiar with Kyruin's…?

Bolin's charming, but too idealistic when it comes to any sort of political business. If he was going to say anything, it would be as Kuvira's mouthpiece with her standing there, because she's a micromanaging control freak.

Full circle!

Vaatu was just chaotic, he never really struck me as too evil because he was too one-dimensional and his plan of 10,000 years of darkness was too vague/abstract. He also never planned anything out. Probably the most powerful villain Korra's ever faced though.

As a full-of-himself-millionaire forced to make weapons, Varrick might be an old timey iron man! Except he sucks at fighting so…eh.
And I don't think Zhu Li's betrayed Varrick. That moment of staring into one another's eyes said too much.

Vine star career? Please. The man behind the name "Lil Selfie" is going for world domination.

Have You Even Taken The Time To Consider What This Problem Of Yours Is Doing To Your Family, Internet?

I loved American Hustle and I loved reading about it, but not as much as Brodeur I guess.

I am sure!

"Nintendo! Two's great but three's a crowd, ha ha ha!"

"I'd give that 4 out 5 stars, would watch again." - Nintendo

I can see the headlines now:
"Spain Collectively Owned By Entire Game Of Thrones Cast"

I don't know what it is about this movie, but ever since I saw the first trailer, I've wanted to see the shit out of it. It seems like a lot of care has gone into its general aesthetic/atmosphere and I like that. Despite having completely different feels, it reminds me of Drive in that way. I don't expect it to be

This sounds nice, but what I really need Netflix to do is have a random episode generator so that I don't have to manually peruse through seasons of Its Always Sunny, Futurama, Bob's Burgers, etc. when I want to veg out in my bed on a cold and rainy day. Either that or a manual queue.