Heavy Metal Pins & Needles

The Matrix

He can move fast enough for all of the movements of others around him to be at a virtual stand-still, but is still slow enough to be literally punched by gas…that's a special kind of suck.

I know this isn't at all new on CW, but man the writing on this show is not great. From the intro about running in gym class (oddly specific/irrelevant?) to the "you're destroying the relationship!" moment between Iris and Eddie, The Flash reaaaally needs to step it up. The witness protection line got me though, so I

I'll watch it, only if they include a live version of someone plugging their guitar into a giant set of speakers aimed at the audience. I don't know, it could be a hit. The screening will come with a "splash zone." Who doesn't like a splash zone?

Don't worry, about 47% of Americans feel that this joke will always be relevant, no matter what.

And the X…well, it looks a little bit different now.

But Aaron Johnson's acting was Oscar worthy! I loved the fact that he was the main character and that we spent so much time with him. And that 1000 yard stare he'd do in 90% of his scenes? Ugh, such emotion!

I hope Ladder Song is just Lorde singing Littlefinger's monologue about the climb with little bits of "Ya Ya" in it.

So…black community service dude for 13th doctor? Rigsy I think his name is? Or some sort of shitty Misfits rival.

It really comes down to how the LOK writers petal the story.

I secretly want Mako to become a hypercompetent sidekick who eventually becomes Republic City Prez/Earth Kingdom King.

She probably has no idea what she looks like.

"What the hell are Varrick and Kuvira doing with the Spirit Vines?"

Puppetmasters.* I actually kind of agree with Kuvira on being pissed off at Raiko for trying to give the seat to Wu. If your entire kingdom essentially became The Purge 2, the last thing you'd want is someone as incompetent as him running things. Unfortunately she also seems evil. So there's that.

I want Korra to train really hard and get really strong and ignore all of the metal in her body so that she can remove it and weaponize it in the final battle. It would sort of mirror how Zaheer became more powerful when he let go; only Korra would be letting go of her PTSD.

Is it real life or method acting? You just can't tell with this guy.


Oh shit you're right. Eh, throw him in.

I AM THE (magic) LAW!

Ben Whishaw!
Ralph Fiennes!
Uh…Idris Elba?