Heavy Metal Pins & Needles

There's always room in the clown car trunk for whatever's left over.

Yes, but they haven't technically declared war since world clown war II.

"Quit clowning around! Wait. No. Keep up the good work."

Holy shit can you imagine working at Clowns of America as an intern? And then slowly climbing the ranks of clowndom until you're the supreme ruler?

"Defiantly sexy." Just a whole bunch of sexy sexy rebels.

The whole network is just

Now if only they had a Batman Beyond in the works…one can only dream.



As if you aren't corroborating the comment by upvoting it. But, okay.

Either you're being purposely obtuse, or you haven't read the top rated comment.

Nah dude I don't. I believe you can comment here without coming off as a self righteous prick. The above comment was only aimed at the people who haven't grasped that yet, (aka the people who feel its fine to berate the shit out of others -that's not really discussion) it does not apply to everyone at all.

Oh yeah, its possible. The unfortunate neuroticism that hangs over a post 9/11 New York leads to many unfortunate things being said to Muslims or people who look like them.

One of the constants at every stage of my education was that there was always the kid who was so excited about something and they couldn't hide it, and eventually that passion showed so much that eventually someone told them to shut the fuck up. And you could see it too, because once they started talking about

"See, the disqus encourages your capacity for illusion, then it tells you its a fuckin virture…well, there's a buck to be had doing that…there's such a desperate sense of entitlement, isn't it? Surely this is all for me. Me. Me. Me. Me. I. I. I'm so fuckin important! I'm so fuckin important! Right? Fuck youuuu."

I'm thinking around there too…but the penultimate episode.

Anyone wanna take bets on how long it'll be before *coughUncleBencough* Joe dies?

Knowing absolutely nothing about The Flash's rogue's gallery or their civilian identities, the show seems to be aiming Tom Cavanaugh's character as either an evil Flash from some alternate future, or that Reverse Flash guy. The fact that he suddenly appeared in that office in his wheelchair seems to hint pretty

Is he crying? It sounds like he's crying. Hey, check out this dude! He's passionate about something! I haven't felt feelings for a decade and a half. What a fucking loser.

I thought The End Is The Beginning Is The End was about Batman, and I've never seen Courtney Love and Batman in the same room together…….