Heavy Metal Pins & Needles

Ramona Flowers has something to say about that!

I do need attention and love almost constantly, but I was hoping the article could tell me less of what I already know, and focus more on Shia's turning into Tupac process.

They identify as "Indie Pop" on their facebook page…so maybe you're in luck?

Emo's back? I'm pretty unversed in both genres, but how is this different from Shoegaze (subdued vocals, heavy melody, distorted guitars)?

I did some internet surfin' and found that a few places show it as being for ages 16+. I was only exposed to it after picking it up in my classroom back when I was 14 or so.

No snark at all. The Kite Runner was an amazing book and good movie, I was using it as an example to show how it was not at all like the previously mentioned books and yet still a Young Adult film adaptation.

So…Is that not how America's Presidential Elections work?

Yeah, I can't see any end in sight either, but young adult adaptations is way too broad of a genre to consider a fad comparable to super hero movies. I mean, I get that you're referring to Twilight, The Hunger Games, Divergent, etc, but doesn't The Kite Runner skirt that line too?

These are big plans and they sound very exciting, but is anyone else holding their breath for when the superhero bubble eventually bursts? I can't see any of these stories going on for 7+ years…aren't people going to just get fed up?

Hopefully the show has the same level of seriousness as the movie. I'm thinking MegasXLR levels of serious.

Its been almost 4 hours, you might want to get that checked out.

Interesting. I stand corrected.

He asked if Amy and Rory were interested right before Rory got touched by an angel in The Angels Take Manhattan.

Yes you would, but the experience of watching Doctor Who becomes all the more powerful when you find your favorite Doctor and/or companion, which might require a bit of digging through seasons. And when your Doctor changes into Not-Your-Doctor, little throwbacks can get you through even the worst of episodes.

I still fear Fear Her.

Nah dude, you have to earn this shit. Gotta watch some farting aliens first (S1).

Its actually become more difficult for me to find reasons to dislike this Doctor. He's great. He was wearing one's tie! Jelly babies!

The grading system has many idiosyncrasies, including but not limited to: crust, cheesiness, and general mouthfeel.

And thank god for that. Season 6 and 7b were very much bogged down by their seasonal arcs, specifically because the characters were aware of the overarching mystery. The protagonists this time around seem a lot more character driven and a lot less plot driven.

I was skeptical at first of Moffat's decision to cast Capaldi after his string of greenlighting younger dudes for the role, but it all makes sense now, considering 12's characterization as a "hero," Clara's approach as a companion, and even the seasonal arc in general.