Heavy Metal Pins & Needles

"FUCKING A ANOTHER PERSON PLAYING SPIDER-MAN? …I'll watch it anyway." - Basically everyone. And I guess Sony/Marvel knows this.

They could get around this by making him 15 years old during the events of the first Avengers.


Well Xxzxcuzx Me! Not trying to start an Air War here.

I was Not in Love with them, but I liked them a bit.

It was mostly a joke reference to one of the How It Should Have Ended videos, but if you look at both movies preeeeetty broadly (in that they both include villains who were fanboys of the heroes who become psychopathic when the heroes reject them.) You can see part (like 12%) of a connection.

I think we should be asking ourselves "do we even want an Iron Man 4?" 2 was not great, and 3 was the incredibles. I mean, Iron Man 3's plot was essentially Pixar's The Incredibles.

+drama, but yeah, that's it. That's the whole show.

And I love Mary Elizabeth Winstead! And Sky High's not so bad either.

Yeah! To the things said in both of these above responses really. That's why its so great as a super power. Instead of villains being like "I challenge thee to a bout of fisticuffs" or pulling a gun on Flashy they'll be more like, "you can fight me, but I've got 5 hostages [who you are, of course, emotionally attached

Which won't be on any television network because they'll be obsolete but will be on Faceboogle, the union between Facebook and Google, in attempts to draw the ever growing audience of Applenet, a union between Apple and Netflix, along with being a precursor to Skynet.

If you recognize the red-headed scientist, its because you've probably seen her as a guest on a million different popular movies and tv shows, among them, Mad Men. But also she was the plant controlling girl on Sky High.

Yes. And listen to "ideas+drafts+loops" too.

Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, Human Nature (both parts) are probably my favorite 10 adventure. I almost cried at the human!10 when he said "that's how I talk?" -absolutely saddened by the Doctor's alienness.

Super speed as a power is the right type of weak to have a very nuanced show. The Flash is "super" so his villains are allowed to be so too without hoping they're onscreen incarnation is de-powered somehow to match a depowered hero. At the same time, he's not strong enough to punch a meteor out of the sky or just chop

Peter Parker and this Flash are similar but not the same. For one, this flash isn't nearly as snappy enough. Garfield walks the line of having enough quips for us to feel an equal need to root for him and also swat him. Plus this Flash immediately jumped at being a hero. Maguire's Spider-Man decided to make quick

Orrrrr someone who could slow time down to a stand-still but was normal speed(?)

The music swell when he was unravelling the tornado was awesome!

Actually it has at least a little bit to do with your point. If I said I liked pop music and you started playing Ariana Grande and I was talking about The Beatles, things would be confusing right? I wouldn't be able to enjoy the music because of your perception of the label it was given.

Unless you're happy with all of your music being organized as [random assortment of letters and numbers].mp3, or whatever informationless filing system you have in place, I hate to break it to you, but *you* actually give a fuck about labels. Genre names are important.