Heavy Metal Pins & Needles

"IDM" (Intelligent Dance Music) definitely confirms this idea. Soooo pretentious.

I'm not going out of my way to defend Nick because I do think they've been fucking up hardcore, but I feel like maybe they haven't figured out the best way to appeal to the LOK demographic (or even know what it is completely) while still remaining a show that can appear on the same network as spongebob…they've

The episode would be completely different, yes, but let's not forget how much of an asshole 11 was in his final episode for repeatedly promising never to abandon Clara and then sending her away. 12 doesn't try to hide the fact that he sometimes just doesn't give a shit about other people -at least not as well as his

Season 8 so far is way better than 6 (as a whole) but I do agree that it might just take 5. This episode was amazing. Its a rare moment that companions take up most of the screen time (Turn Left comes to mind), but this was done beautifully.

everybody to the limit!

"Great job, Inter-!" wait…

It wouldn't make sense for her to throw the fight for the simple reason that she probably needs the cash. She definitely got her ass beat.

I'm with you all the way. I think in some ways, this suffering is good though. The other theme running through the show is "changing at one's lowest point," and while everyone on team avatar seems to have done this in one way or the other, Korra seems to evolve into something better with each passing season.

I agree with this, mostly because every seasonal big bad in LOK has been a foil of the previous big bad or at least generally opposed them in some way.

A compelling tale of victory and de feet.

(SPOILERS) I've seen leaks of this movie and its actually just Will Smith yelling at Fred (the movie takes place from Fred's perspective) while Fred shakes his head no (turns out he wasn't Fred it was actually *Jerry* the reboot character the whole time). An apprehensive Will Smith never works up the courage to

My one and two are "NY State of Mind" and "The World Is Yours." Can't beat that piano.

With late team additions: Sweet Lips and Disco (the Sixth Ranger) from Tennessee. They're pretty big on drugs.

Eh, better to stick with Badger only. Skinny Pete is too streat smart and too busy slingin mad volume and stacking benjis he can't be all about, like, spelling and shit.

As much as it pains me to say this now, I would have never heard of Clone High if weren't for these reviews. (I saw the "say what" memes but never knew where they were from). I must've seen the review for the third or fourth episode, and then watched the whole thing in a sitting. Extra tragedy points for getting

Barring the fact that Rory has had more time to "develop," I think it says more about the writers and the ease they have writing male foils to the Doctor compared to their ability to write companions who are typically female (and weaker foils). Pink and Williams don't necessarily have depth of character so much as

You know, I said soggy toilet paper, but I'll go with plastic for Rory. Fake, weak, unfortunately too long lasting. Plastic man, plastic role. Not the worst, useful sometimes, but still cheap.

One of my general annoyances about Doc Who is when they introduce the inevitable second constant companion who -if he or she is an ordinary human and not a dashing figure of their own- tends to have the character strength of soggy toilet paper. "Oh Mickey is just so *jealous* of 9 and 10," or "Rory is so *nice.* He

This trope can be done right if handled properly. In ME2 they really tried to sell that Shepard's friends had been doing their own things while he was asleep…I don't think it really went over so well…. So long as the other characters go on about their daily lives like they actually possess them as opposed to just

Agreed. I honestly feel that Zuko's "that's rough" rang slightly truer than lots of the interactions between any two characters (even Mako and Bolin)…of course we had character development filled filler episodes to help this along.