Heavy Metal Pins & Needles

Predictions/Noticings: While in certain clips members of Team Avatar 2.0 can be seen with her, the trailer seems to emphasize Korra traveling alone -just like Toph was said to do last season. Perhaps she's going after the remaining Red Lotus members by herself? Either way, last season wasn't very Korra heavy, instead

I HAVE SEEN THIS AND IT IS GOOD. I've also been silently waiting for AV Club to cover it…

Sounds like an appropriate premise for a show on USA.

It's Thom Yorke! It's fine! That's the level of passion a Thom Yorke warrants. It doesn't solve all my problems. But it doesn't make me angry. It doesn't smell bad. It's not coated with AIDS. And it's not a portal to a nether place. It doesn't make me cum, but it's fine.

NOICE. If only they could somehow incorporate their inner city wizarding school sketch…

Probably Julian from Trailer Park Boys, although Richard Gere's character from American Gigolo probably sullies it harder…never seen the movie, but…Richard Gere…

Tom Cruise from Top Gun. And only that Tom.

I have snorted. This means you have won.

Just like the likely result of adding a small red-eared slider turtle as a last-minute replacement to shoot a potentially game winning shot at the free throw line in the playoff season of the NBA, you too are missing the point, Mr. ElDan.

Obviously the songs were released in different years, but this article reads hilariously in that its organized from shortest to longest distance. It just looks like a whole bunch of people arbitrarily one upping one another, and really makes me feel bad for T Swift's 13 blocks. Like really? The best one-up you could

The "best" thing about Urban Outfitters is that most of the things that they sell are overpriced (with okay quality) and bought mainly by people who don't live in cities (read: chumps), because if they did, they'd realize what they want is probably available somewhere else, and cheaper too. Is this necessarily bad?

*After some fact checking, beat is determined to indeed be credible*

I can't stand the infatuation either. They never seem to call back and they only want me for body. Like, am I a piece of meat to them or what?

No you fool! They're talking about art! Don't do it for the money! Do it for yourself! I always paint with my right hand.

Something tells me that as actors of critical acclaim and international success, they're probably not too cut up about it.

Listen we've all done things we're not proud of after a good Dunham riot, but have you seen the pool? They flipped the bitch!

I don't know dude, he's got his face on an entire brand of rice named after him. That's how you can tell he made it in life.

"Captain America and Hawkeye go to high school and pretend to be high schoolers while looking for secret hydra agents." I bet no one's thought of that before.

"Kiss me so those hydra agents look away…bro."

I think if they went for more of the Citadel DLC feel than the regular game's tone, it'd be worth it.