Gerald Walker

That's totally ridiculous. I've worked on phone customer service for over 20 years, and "You sound Black" is not a statement I've ever heard from anyone I've talked to…in fact just the opposite. I've had people say racist things about others or make racist jokes because they "assumed" I was what ever ethnicity they

As a black man…yes! Surprise, there are white people who have deep voices also.

And a lot of folks don't think his films are shitty at all…Love and Prayers to his family..

Ok …we get it. Can't write a review of anything DC related without the obligatory shot at Zach Snyder…this is just becoming tiresome. Whether you like the guy or hate the guy this is just ridiculous. I'm not defending his film making or the DC universe, but when you take time out of a review of a tv show he had

I would have been thrilled with that version of Snapper…especially if he could teleport

She's 5'10 …why would a Greek Goddess be heavily muscled?

I've become convinced that Savitar is an alternate version of Barry from the future…at least 3 times Barry has asked him who he is and his answer is always the same."I am the future…Flash"…I don't think that just a declarative statement, I think its future Barry being a dick.

Plenty of us are…;-)

I want to like Dark Matter, but its such a blatant rip off of Blake's 7 I can't get through the 2nd season

Is there any way we can get Valerie Perrine to do a cameo as Miss Tessmacher's mom…that would be awesome

Actually the current Atom wears a suit that seems to be a combo of the tv armor and the old style spandex

Isn't his wife Kanaq Huq one of the executive producers and co-writers?

Damn comic people…they ruin all the best comic book shows!