temporary name

I also thought this. Or that maybe his parents were from another country. I googled the crap out of it and could find nothing. You are not insane!

Did he really say "Hannah doesn't even know what time it is"? I must have misheard that…

I think she had a wardrobe malfunction OR the dress wasn't put on all the way so she had to go out with the bathrobe covering it up. Notice how she kept pulling at her bathrobe - even adjusting something underneath. Maybe she went offstage to get the bathrobe off and the dress fully operational so she could perform

What about the thunder and lightening during a hurricane? I lived in Houston back then and I'm pretty sure that during an actual hurricane there wouldn't be big puffy thunderheads (shown in the background outside at Joe's house) or thunder and lightning. That kept distracting me from what was going on in the show.

I took BASIC as a short half-semester class in high school - probably '73 or '74. That's about the time period Cameron would have in middle school? I don't remember using an actual computer - just writing the code. Does anyone remember what hardware (if any) we would have used back then?


haha - funny! but a good question. I am NOT aware of this (being self-aware) - but I surmise this based on reactions of others. I didn't really have a label for it until last night (Trish gave me the name for it. I always used to say "insensitive"). I don't usually see what's wrong with what I did/said in any

This is why I'm rooting for Kass - because I really relate to her. I also lack "self-awareness," as Trish puts it. And I can see myself calling a spade a spade, thinking that people really appreciate it - but in reality they just think I'm a jerk. And I accidently insult people all the time. I always wonder how

I thought they DID show us his thought process when, after Tony realized that Woo was going to vote Trish (pre-tribal), he said something like, "I may have to re-think my strategy…". To me it sounded like he was thinking about changing his vote to Trish because of the Woo situation and how it would affect Jury votes,

I think Jeff made a conscious decision to use "balls" instead of "ball". Either way would have made perfect sense. So I really think he went the "13-year-old-boy" route. hehe.

I think they showed the actual phrase "worth playing for" in the explanation of how the challenge would work. Maybe that's why it popped into your head so easily. But I could be mistaken!

I feel I must reconsider my opinion because your vehemence and certainty makes me question myself.  I realize that may sound snarky but I am totally serious!  Maybe she IS a no-talent actress!  What do I know about acting!  Plus, I am kind of wishy-washy.  And if I do decide that you are actually right about her, that

I always loved Maddie - my son and husband hated her with a passion and I always stuck up for her.  I LOVED her reading of "someone needs your help Michael" with all the motherly judgment and guilt packed into those few words - what a great line!  I always thought my men hated her because they are misogynistic

I also noticed those yellow teeth - ugh!

I think I posted this somewhere else, but it seems relevant to your comment… 
My theory about Andy:  he started out as a somewhat sweet, nerdy doofus.  But as the writers got to know the real actor, Ed Helms, the character became more and more of a jerk.  It's just a theory, but sometimes I think the actor's true

My theory about Andy:  he started out as a somewhat sweet, nerdy doofus.  But as the writers got to know the real actor, Ed Helms, the character became more and more of a jerk.  It's just a theory, but sometimes I think the actor's true personality ends up influencing the path the character ends up taking.  Now I've