
Well, yeah - I did just mean more in terms of the main character of the Snob, really, but Brad's always had more of an interesting approach to his work overall, I feel; like the tongue-in-cheek approach of the old Bruno Mattei Show, which was this weirdly classy approach to schlock horror, or Eighties Dan, which I

I think that's part of the problem, yeah. That and part of the charm seems to have gone, somehow; he doesn't feel so much like the 'Nostalgia Critic' anymore when he's reviewing stuff from this or last year, to me, and the distinct changes to the character don't help; since the relaunch it just feels a bit more…

This. Brad is smart and kept his format simple with occasionally more elaborate jokes, but those barely take him downstairs or outside; it's also a lot easier to see how Brad's writing has developed in terms of his depth and the type of films he's reviewing, whereas Doug just seems to have fallen back on the Critic