
Yeah, but that's not in the "Literal Word Of God" that prevents people from believing that we evolved from sea creatures. You can't go bringing non-biblical sources in to prove an argument or you might have to believe in evolution!

It's interesting how people who insist on believing in the literal word of the Bible don't actually know what that literal word says. "Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the

I was assuming it was the symbolic value. I just think it would be more interesting to just sort of fly over it to remind us it's there without emphasizing it like the string of cities leading up to Meereen. And I get far to excited every time they show a new place in the credits so I get a bit disappointed every time

They're the only credits of any show I watch regularly that I actually sit through every time just in case they've changed something. And if they don't change as much as I'd like, it only makes me that much more excited when they do. I just found it funny that the review called out Braavos being there for a second

"It seems a bit off that Braavos remains in the opening credits"? Winterfell remains even though we haven't been there in a season and we're not going to be back any time soon.