
- Jaha forgetting Wells -> Raven forgetting Finn? She barely reacted when Jasper told her about the ashes
- Okay Jackson, what the heck, your life has no pain why you gotta go and take the pill
- Lexa, I need to see some kind of passive resistance from you. Surround the gates like you did in season 2 at the very least,

It wasn't unexpected but still a surprise for the clexa fans but it was the straw that broke the camel's back for the bellarke fans, especially since Bellamy's storyline had gotten so much hate that week. Jason's interviews didn't help at all because it felt like he was fueling the fire and reducing it to ships.

I think Jason Rothenberg lost a few years trying to fix PR his way out of that

When Bellamy tells Octavia that she can't just hit a guard, immediately after he's just helped murder 299 people (oh, but he spared Indra so redemption arc!); I just laughed at the hypocrisy. This episode had a lot of hurdle jumping and character whiplash that makes me pause but I'm excited to see them play out.

Oh agreed 100%. I'm not one of those "omg Lexa's gonna die!" people, but contractually she'll only be in maybe half of the season. Once the episodes are just Arkadia and City of Light is there even a reason to tune in anymore? Step up your game, show.

It's disappointing because we're all here since we love this show. And when the show is bad it's really hard to ignore. The Clarke/Lexa plots are always incredible, to the point where I find myself during the episode trying to skip over the Arkadia drama because it's so subpar. I really, really want this storyline to

I love Polis! I feel like I have to screencap everything just to get a full understanding of it

So many thoughts! Firstly, B-? I think that any episode without the city of light deserves an A- baseline. But JESUS the whole Clarke and Lexa kill me don't kill me, bow for me I'll bow for you. THAT WHOLE PUSH AND PULL IS CLEXA PERIOD. It's such a beautifully complex, tumultuous, equal relationship I CANNOT wait for