
The sax at the end of the album version of Shine On You Crazy Diamond is pretty amazing too, and I love the eerie way it fades out and is replaced by the sound of machinery starting up which introduces Welcome To The Machine.

Totes. Malotes. Dawg.

That was an interesting glance from Gus to Nacho. Did he figure out what Nacho did with the pills?

Damn, that trumpet on the soundtrack was something else. Dave Porter's a genius.

If it's any consolation, I just got it when I read your comment.

Didn't think of that, good point.

Yeah, I laughed out loud in amazement at a few shots this evening, they were incredible.

I love how the grizzled face and weariness of Mike allow him to command respect almost anywhere. Can you imagine how many people that garage owner would have told to fuck off if they said to him "hey, call me a cab would ya?" without even glancing around to look at him or even say please? Yet that guy, the vet, the

Oh, that scene is AMAZING! Still one of my favourite scenes in a movie ever and it's amazing how much tension and story it provides with just a group of men sitting around a terminal screen. It's the second scene in that film, and comes just after the opener where we see that 5 pristine WW2 planes that have been

It actually does sound very familiar to the Überlingen mid-air collision, where the air traffic controller was murdered by the a man who lost his family in the accident. The trailer even implies one of the more unfortunate details of this crash, where both planes took the same evasive maneuvers and descended into each

All the more poignant considering that they were closer at times than Walt was to Walt Jr.

Absolutely. "He knew only that his child was his warrant. He said: If he is not the word of God, God never spoke".

Let's not forget the neighbor was also her teacher. I do agree though, they did have some lovely moments despite him being a total shit.

Yeah, I was really affected by Benny's demise. He was a great character for his short screen time. That scene was very effective at making me realise the show was going to be just a little bit darker than ET, though.

That's a great topic! I'd add Ferris Beuller's Day Off to that list. If you don't quite side with the principal as you get older, you do at least feel sorry for his parents and poor manipulated Cameron. Even as a kid I thought Ferris had absolutely no business being anywhere near that Ferrari.

Azaria's reaction was genuine and unscripted, apparently. I think he mentioned that in an interview on this site.

Dave Porter's music, too. I rewatched the pilot again this week and kept having to rewind the scene where Jimmy kicks the bin in the parking garage and steals Kim's cigarette. The music in that scene is heartbreaking to me.

He's done a lot of fantastic soundtracks, particularly for Traffic and Solaris, both of which seem to pop up in other places (one of his Solaris tracks was in a VW commercial). He's also very generous about making some of them downloadable from his website. And this track was awesome.

Holograms. Seriously. Some of them say they were 3-D holograms viewable from every angle that were projected across New York and were impeccably timed to "hit" the buildings at the same time as the (presumably) hidden bomb inside the buildings exploded.