
Yes yes yes yes

How do you know he hasn't already?

She's got grit and she's stubborn, which has been both an advantage and a liability. She's a bit of a smart alleck, but her sense of humor is essentially dad jokes. She tends to come crashing into situations, always trying to help but not always taking the time to learn what's needed. She's fiercely loyal and a great

I've been told that Daredevil was intended to be Marvel's answer to Batman, so that makes sense.

I've heard that too, but I'm trying not to think about it. Just don't think my heart could take it after tonight!

I think there's more to it than that. Martha doesn't really have much in the way of options at this point. She can't tell anyone without getting herself locked up for treason.

Yeah, Carl was 100% a sociopath at the beginning, but there wasn't really anywhere to go from there with him, so he's ended up being pretty inconsistent. I liked the stuff with him and Frank, especially since Debbie has grown out of her Frank-forgiving, but it didn't really fit with how he'd behaved previously.

I can totally see both, but god, I don't think my heart could take it.

What I took from her insistence that he's a good man was that it was followed by a silent "even though he's acting like a violent, drunk asshole." Very typical of people in abusive relationships.

That's an impressively perfect description.

Mona Lisa Saperstein?

That sounds like a very dangerous combination! Out of curiosity, how many computers have you shot?

Me too, except I had this instead of terminator. It was…troubling.

Maybe they could discuss it with some people of color? Listen to the people who're actually affected by the things they're discussing? Their discussing it isn't the problem, it's the fact that they were only ones who got to be part of the conversation.

I want a library spin off!

DisneyMarvel is scary as…well Ultron is all I've got right now. They will come for your first born.

Really nerdy = unstoppable

Huh? I find it a lot harder to judge for myself when there's general concensus. It's hard to swim against a strong current, but if critics disagree it leads to a much more informative discussion of strengths and weaknesses.

For me it often depends on how you like something: I'm fine with you enjoying Twilight so long as you're aware that it's terrible and anti-feminist, and you don't mind being occasionally teased about it. What will cause me to lose all respect for you is if you insist that it's a literary masterpiece. There aren't too

This show has had so many jump the shark moments for me, but they are inevitably followed by something wonderful and heartbreaking. It can be the most awkward, unbalanced, tonally deaf thing out there and then it gets me right where I live, usually by way of Fiona or Debbie. I find it incredibly frustrating!