
Twist: Jenna is actually Zack Snyder, and wants a more dark and forceful Supergirl.

And swot analyses.

She was a barista for like two weeks from when she arrived in Central City to when she left on her temporal adventure. As someone who was a barista for like two weeks, I can appreciate her desire to never speak of it.

What did he think would happen? Probably the same thing that happened to Blackout, who Barry referenced just minutes earlier.

The show left out how belligerent Jorah is when confronted about the matter, going so far as to demand an apology from Daenerys. That is when she chooses to banish him, which was not what she wanted to do when the matter was brought up.

Spoiler that isn't a spoiler: In the book he confirms that he had sent back reports up through their time in Qarth. Also, both Barristan and Jorah are revealed to Daenerys at the same time. Barristan apologizes while Jorah demands an apology. And so Daenerys banishes him.

[related spoilers-but-not-spoilers] Woah now. Hold up. To be fair, Barristan apologizes to Daenerys profusely, while Jorah demands an apology from Daenerys. She didn't want to banish him but… Well… What's a queen to do?