
Of all the things we've done to your language I didn't realize that was the worst. Some Americans (the New Tories, I guess) complain about the couldn't/could replacement. I hope a new war can be avoided, since I'm not sure we have any defense against your rooty-tooty-point-and-shooties.

Didn't know that "I could care less" was an Americanism (granted, the saying is kind of annoying since its actual meaning contradicts the literal one). What might a British person say instead? Just curious.

That dance, why did I google it? Why did I watch 40 seconds of it? I regret everything

I feel like a bad fan because I'd probably be down for 90min of Sherlock, John, and Mycroft just drinking tea and sniping at each other. The mysteries (starting from S1) just seem so random and are filled with so many leaps of logic that I have trouble taking them seriously, and the deductions, while entertaining,

This is my first time following any of Moffat's shows, so I don't have a strong opinion of him yet other than that I depend on the thoughts coming out of his wooly head in order to feed my addiction. I'm not sure what proportion of Moffat hating comes from being disappointed in the show vs. his commentary and

I'm one of the few who enjoyed all 3 seasons, but I get where some of the negativity is coming from. I agree with the critics that S3 was fanservicey and less focused on the mysteries, but I'm more interested in the character dynamics than the whodunit parts of the show.

His racist misogyny is inaccurate. She's Puerto Rican (by way of the Bronx), not Mexican! It's almost as if he doesn't care which block she's from.