Brian Jones

Thank you!

I watched On Demand and it cut off just as Cosima rattled her cage…before the closing credits. Was there any payoff on Ira's glitchy red roof moment?

Thanks for filling in!

UPDATE: The wikipedia entry on the game says that's a sort of semi-safe zone, so part of the game.

Well, I didn't remember, but it's apparently either part of the game or an artifact of how old these consoles are :). Here's a sample from a few years back: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Obviously you've never played Yar's Revenge, nor could you grasp the gameplay mechanic from the visuals on the screen (understandable.)

A friend of mine excitedly told me he knows the actor who plays Jerry, says he's a really cool guy.

Did anybody besides me notice that Maura put Josh into a wastebasket prior to her impromptu demolition?

Hey, AVClub, for my play reading committee, is there a canonical list of theatrical works that are More Relevant Now Than Ever since we have a Republican in office once again? I got The Crucible and now Hairspray, what else though? Preferably small cast, we're just starting out.

I just thought that with a whole 90 minutes, JDM might have *attempted* to introduce a 2nd note to his performance.

Helena fanboy here. Her flat affectless "good-bye." to the cops near killed me.

Needs more Arundhati Roy. Wait, no it doesn't.

"What have we always said is the most important thing?"

That was no helicopter shot at the end. We're meant to think it's a helicopter shot — until the helicopter passes beneath us. That's a God shot.