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    Well, they went for obscure references that were still appropriate for the Frazier and Niles. Then we had Martin, Daphne and Roz to make fun of them for it. They were our surrogates, calling them out on their pretentiousness.

    Bakersfield PD! (Is Fresno the gateway to Bakersfield or is it the other way around?)

    If the WB execs were worried the Justice League was too dark, considering their support for MoS and BvS, Snyder's first cut of JL must have been pitch black.

    You're failing to consider the arrogance factor: Scrooge McDuck is not going to sully himself by swimming in coins made of any metal lesser than gold. Even diving into silver coins would be beneath him.

    One more subtle thing they did was continuing the 11-year old "Vera" jokes with "Maris " jokes, since that signaled to the viewers that the show wouldn't forget its roots.

    Good call. I hadn't looked at a periodic table in years and gold is one spot to the left to mercury, so gold would be lighter.

    But then you're technically not using real coins. The real way to do it is to use a liquid that has the same density as the coins. Sure, it might have to be a molten metal of some sort, and swimming in it would be tough, but the swimmer would remain on top of the liquid and able to propel himself downward, at least

    Agreed. There was no "finding the characters" phase. They were fully formed from the start. And the casting of David Hyde Pierce made an impact as being "More Frazier than Frazier", helping make Frazier not have to be the most outrageous character in the show.

    That's OK with me. I'm sure each post would have eventually devolved into an analysis of Herb Tarlek's sport coats, and since I'm colorblind they never bothered me much, I wouldn't have much interest in the conversation.

    Thankfully no, because if I had seen that I'd never have come back.

    Well, there are some parts of Northeast California I'd prefer to leave out, but I don't want to be accused of cherry picking. Plus, if things don't go well, it's nice to have all of that eastern area of the CA/OR/WA/NV block to use as a buffer or DMZ should the need arise.

    It won't matter to Jones's followers. He'll just claim it's the same left-wing scientists who profit off of the whole global warming myth trying to suppress him, and they'll swallow it up.

    We'd take Oregon and Washington with us. Owning the entire west coast would be quite a tactical and financial advantage. Plus I'd want to include Nevada so I don't have to start messing with passports just so I can make a quick Vegas run.

    How would a president become a dictator for life if only the term limits were changed but not the powers and responsibilities of the office?

    And the title of the book is… "Seig Heil! And Why We Probably Shouldn't Use That Any More, But Someone Probably Will."

    And yet Daryl Hannah in her prime was made to look like a Barbie doll where the little girl had drawn on it with crayons and cut it's hair with those kindergarten safety scissors.

    Maybe he was baked?

    The driver is going to be sliced from the company.

    I thought it was a blonde Sarah Silverman.

    If I wanted the girl next door, I'd go next door…