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    And the trans person is an illegal immigrant whose hormone therapy was provided free by the government.

    Let's take this back to its roots. Remember the original concept for Miami Vice was just Brandon Tartikoff writing "MTV Cops" on a napkin. So the new Miami Vice should be like MTV today, full of complete and utter morons. One cop will be an unwed teenage mother and the other will be an over-muscled idiot with a Jersey

    And William Shatner's head as the lawn.

    One episode I went to (with Nikki Glaser, coincidentally, Mark Normand and someone I've forgotten) they got off on some tangent that had Hardwick taking out his phone to find the lyrics to a particular song, then playing the song on his phone, holding it up to his mic. He just said "Well, there's no way they're paying

    I think it's fair to say that about 2/3 of working comedians are male, so the ratio of male to female contestants they've had has always seemed fair. Most comedy clubs I've been to on any given night have four males and one female, or three and two. I don't think there are any women who feel that they were

    The real unsung heroes of @midnight are the editors. I've gone to three tapings and each time they had to cut out more than half of what went on. When Hardwick goes off on a tangent he just has fun with it. Plus any time you watch closely the points magically increase for no reason, yet when watching the show a few

    CSI: Caprica would have been better than plain old Caprica.

    I don't think that it was a bad film, but it was too dark to be fun. As I recall, the brushback to the fact that it got a PG rating is what spawned the call for the creation of the PG-13 rating. (And the honor of being the first PG-13 film went to Red Dawn.)

    I think what surprised my daughter was the fact that while she knew there was a lot of anti-everything animus in the world, she'd been fairly insulated from it and had never encountered it so directly, especially from someone she's related to. Granted, my father lives across the country had only seen my kids a dozen

    My father often told the story of how shortly after he was discharged from the Navy, around 1957 or so, he was propositioned by a transvestite. His response, though regrettably typical of the time, was violence. Any time there was a gay or transvestite character on a TV show he'd repeat the story. (By the time my

    to be fair, I only watched the WGN games in hopes that Harry Carey would have a heart attack on air.

    And no one watches.

    I think it's kind of the opposite. The team knows the guy's life has become hell. This is more of a message for the Cubs' fans to leave the guy alone already.

    Please tell me he'll have to serve time in a prison operating under his rules for how a prison should operate.

    This is a very classy move on the Cubs' part. I'm having trouble coming up with the appropriate level of snark. (Then again, I just had the new Taco Bell Potato-rito, so I get the feeling a lot of stuff will be coming up on me shortly.)

    She can be six things.

    He's have just said "Congrats" to save time.

    Of course, you realize this means Sean Spicer was finally right about something.

    I like the classic "clusterfuck".