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    Listening to today's Gilbert Gottfried podcast are you?

    Why is it so important to have god in the schools? Why aren't you also in favor of god in the accounting office or god in the construction business? Oh, I know, it's because you only care about indoctrinating children. Children don't need books or fairy tales and horror stories to scare them into moral behavior. Moral

    And this just in: The Mooch's wife has just filed for divorce. This is not a joke.

    I doubt we'll have to put up with The Mooch much longer. He's bound to succumb to the boneitis very soon.

    For once Trump has been distracted by something that's taking up much of his time: His party's failure to undo the thing the black guy gets to take credit for. He's still seething over that.

    Let's see. Minions are yellow with black hair, look somewhat similar to each other and speak a language incomprehensible to most Americans. Five bucks says Trump can't tell them apart from the Chinese.

    Obama does one skit with Keegan Michael Key playing Luther, the president's anger translator, and the GOP lost their shit. Now when their guy goes way beyond that and it's not fiction, they stay silent…

    OK, absolutely serious here. I'm colorblind. What the hell is wrong with wearing green on TV unless you're standing in front of a greenscreen?

    Yes, and everyone on the bridge smiled as if that was a good thing.

    Good thing I only need them for reading. I can still take my ball and run home just fine.

    AARP has already spent more money on mailings and phone calls trying to get me to join than they'd ever collect from me in annual membership fees.

    Because pedanticalness is encouraged here at AVClub, I am compelled to inform you that 0.1% of a million bucks is just $1,000.

    The big poker game took me out of the experience, First off, Bond wouldn't fall for such an obvious false tell. And second, the odds of a hand playing out like the big one where Bond got a straight flush are beyond ridiculous. Even my wife who only vaguely paid attention when I'd watch the WSOP on TV and is far from a

    R&B might have been the first show to work at two levels with different jokes for the kids and adults. I remember clearly asking my mother "Is there supposed to be something funny about the name 'Kerwood Derby'? Because I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be a joke but I don't get it."


    Also Kal Penn on Designated Survivor as well as hosting Superhuman.

    Don't you read the news? All he has to do is say he heard the employee was gay. Apparently the AG has no problem with that…

    Unscathed by controversy? I haven't watched any movie he's been in for a few decades now except for Tropic Thunder which I didn't realize he had a cameo. Once he's denounced his cult, let me know.

    Here's a brief tribute from Mark Evanier who knew her well, having helped her write a book and was the producer of Garfield when she won her Emmy. I'm sure he's not done writing about her: http://www.newsfromme.com/2…