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    I know that studio and ownership rights fuck things up so badly, preventing us from seeing things we've always wanted like "Buckaroo Banzai vs. The World Crime League", but I need to know this:

    I'm sure you meant to say ""Shave us from these…"

    Evil-er twin. There's no good one.

    No, it's a brighter imitation of Sledge Hammer.

    I was at a party at one of the old Warner Bros. stores and among other animation industry talents, June Foray was there. I'd never met her and i was just attending as a fanboy lucky enough to get an invite. I was waiting in line for drinks and I noticed she was behind me and I said something about why there wasn't a

    Commas cost money, dammit! Plus what do you expect from a nation that doesn't know how to properly use apostrophe's?

    Isn't it a strange thrill to go to a self-serve soda fountain and see that they have Coke Zero?

    How many feet does one person need?

    Who knew that the frost giants' weakness was boric acid?

    New Coke was designed to taste lighter like Pepsi, not Diet Coke. It was OK as a breakfast beverage but didn't pair well with lunch and dinner.

    There are no ants in my stomach, so I think it's doing the job just fine, thank you very much.

    Would you trust anyone who didn't?

    I can understand that. He just reads from the script, he doesn't have to spend days preparing or running lines with other actors. It's show up, read, leave, so it might not make a lasting impression. He said he's not familiar with the comics and such so it's not going to make a lasting impression.

    "Well, it’s been so long ago now, but I used to love doing Freakazoid! [Laughs.] That’s the one where I played The Lobe, and there’s one where I sing “Hello, Lobey!” like “Hello, Dolly!”

    The common element through all of the stuff you mentioned is that he's not doing any of it for the money. Letterman is just doing stuff he's passionate about and believes in. So, no, he's not avoiding the public, but neither is he ever saying "Hey, look at me, i need your attention and approval!"

    It was either tinnitus or some other ear malady that made Danny Elfman have to break up Oingo Boingo. He's not so bad that he can't sing at an outdoor venue with "safe" acoustics like the Hollywood Bowl but he won't ever do any kind of real show.

    When I hear "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" I remember it was the music for the old Dennis Miller Show on HBO. Then I recall how he was once clever/funny (i.e. more clever than funny but what was lacking in funny was more than made up for by the clever) then I get sad when I think about how far he's fallen in both

    I went through all of that college selection and touring three years ago with my daughter and this past year with my son. She's going to be a senior and he's going to be a freshman. Other than the initial "gosh, our babies have grown up and are moving out", which is usually harder on the mother, I realized I should be

    Silly boy, aliens aren't people. We can slaughter them wholesale without remorse because they don't worship American Jesus and therefore have no souls…

    Get in line, buddy.