
That'll be the story she tells at dinner parties for the rest of her life (because it's the only time she's been right about anything), the one she'll hold in everyone's faces for the rest of the show's run whenever they dare to call her a useless bastard. "I was right about David Clarke. He was alive all along" and

Gideon was the complete opposite of French though. He was like some dirty skater from LA. Ick. Horrible casting decision, but I guess maybe they wanted to avoid the mistake they made the first time they decided to cast a French guy, i.e. the ridiculous tree that got lopped on a rooftop by a helicopter, named

Who is going to take care of baby Carl???? Not that I care, but I just have an inkling that Charlotte turned Jack in so she could take custody of Carl and hence, save her pathetic excuse of a character from being written/killed off by the writers. Why does Emily even want a relationship with that basic bitch? Ughhh!!!

It was the creepy thumb-stroking.

There was something so dissatisfying about this episode, especially coming from the incredibly slick and strong episode last week. First off, Gideon, Charlotte and Javier all need to just die immediately, for real. Margaux can live, but on the one condition that she be written to become more badass like Emily, so we