
I have to admit this episode was pretty ho-hum for me…there were a few decent throwaway lines, but I couldn't suspend disbelief enough to rationalize that Mindy would open a fertility clinic with ZERO experience. Why not offer a discount to new customers??

Shoot…I came in too late.

"Marriage is a contract."

Hands down, Maggie Smith stole this episode.

A lot of other shows are ruined when the will-they, won't-they couples actually get together, but TMP has only continued to excel. I have faith.

"Morgan is with us only briefly, but has some nice Morgan-esque moments, pegging Danny’s dad and sister "

"Mindy pegs Little Danny’s situation immediately" - uh oh…Broad City has ruined/enhanced any variation of the word "peg" for me from now on.

Surprisingly enjoyed the short nod to Birdman as Ray left his apt to talk to the honkers.

The callback to head hairs getting in your buttcrack killlllled me, because it left such an (honest, true) impression on me the first time Ilana brought it up.

Ever since they replaced baby Lily!

The hatred of Weekend Update is becoming baffling to me. Yes, Colin and Che were both a little nervous in their roles, but I think they have both been settling in quite well in the last few episodes.

Yep, and everyone seems to have forgotten that storyline from season one.

I audibly guffawed when the blood started coming out of her mouth.

This episode was so universally liked…and look, no Bevers in it!

Her name's Ann, Dad.

………..yes I get nervous about tv shows and my DVR.

My DVR didn't record the first showing of it (6p.m. MST), so I just decided to watch it live. I noticed this morning that it had recorded a later airing…talk about making me nervous for nothin!


I just wish that actor was actually funny on screen. He was THE WORST part of Marry Me (I'm using past tense because I cut that show out of my viewing lineup).

I liked the nod to him being from Iowa.