
Please bring Jon back quickly because everything else is boring

The pill that Raven took must contain…

Fight scenes were great

The hawks kinda suck

Someone fucking pinch me

I can understand why Henry wanted to leave central city, too many bad memories he probably wants a fresh start somewhere else

That's a good point, a lot of these people are kids
But will the anonymous and open nature of the internet have a good effect on them in the long term?

My problematic level is rising

"I wanted him to change but as soon as he threatened to take down YouTube gaming I too wanted him do die".

But look at her choke slam game..

Everyone on the internet needs to grow thicker skin

"I dare him to talk about 4chan".
"this won't do, i want you to meet with the cod community and see if you can last two seconds".
"no jimmy your not off the hook".

Bassem Youssef

One day Jack will defeat Aku

Bellamy is Solid Snake

I love the new 52 WW run so this is good news. Giving her family ties to the Gods of Olympus really helped flesh out the story and the world she inhabits

They got a new writer, Chris Terrio the guy who wrote Argo

If BvS fails I fully expect WB to make the Justice League movie in lego form

It's Bennett, he is a dancer